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Mary Filley

My Story


Singing since age 5, then learning how to use my spiritual gifts in my voice to give God glory & honor since adulthood. Nursing home ministry since 1998, encouraging seniors & residents with the Word in song. Praise God for faithful musicians to spread the Gospel musically, like in NTGMM!


Mary Filley (formerly Mary White) began her musical ministry at age five at church in a Christmas trio. She continued honing her singing passion through junior and senior high school, as well as in church choirs.



Mary began singing in nursing homes in 1998, not realizing that God was preparing her for a lifelong ministry of reaching and encouraging senior saints by singing the gospel message. She currently sings every week at different nursing or rehab centers, as well as in organizational venues such as shape note and convention-style singings. She's also a member of many groups like North Texas Gospel Music Ministries and HeavenSound. She also sings for weddings, funerals, revivals and various church-related services.


Practicing Colossians 3:16 through musical ministry is Mary's deepest desire, as she lets the word of Christ dwell in her richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in her heart to the Lord. Having dedicated her voice for God's use, she says, "I'm thankful for the greatest opportunity given a Christian share Jesus through the medium of my voice."

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